Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day Eleven!!!

Good evening everyone! Sorry this is getting out so late. I was at my sister-in-law's house getting schooled on Excel and finances. :-) So now I am mentally and physically tired... today started off well enough. I finally got a full night's rest, but woke up feeling the symptoms of this sinus cold I have been fighting for over a week now. Took some medication, made my breakfast, and soon I felt better. Due to my lack of functioning, I was not adventurous with this meal.

4 Carrots
2 Oranges
1 Apple
1 Bunch of Green Seedless Grapes
5 Large Strawberries
1/4 Cup of Coconut Water

This was the boost I needed to get started for the day. I piddled around the house and added some books to my list on until about 1:30p. Then I left to go pick up my niece from school and then sat at my sister-in-law's for an hour or so visiting and reading. Then I left to pick up my nephew and take him to his dad's house. I had made enough of breakfast to fill 2 glasses, so I was good on juice. After dropping him off, I returned to my sister-in-law's and started learning how to do our finances with her, while my brother-in-law made their dinner. It smelt amazing and was healthy. Grilled chicken over noodles with a cheese sauce and broccoli spread over top. I was proud of myself though, I did not allow myself to cheat. After 2+ hours doing this, I headed home to take care of the puppies and hurry some food into my system before 10:30 pm. I am on doctor's orders of a food and liquid food fast for 12 hours before I get my blood taken tomorrow morning at 10:30 am. So now I am allowed only water for the next 12 hours. :-(

Speaking of eating, last night was my first night of only eating raw green vegetables. It was filling enough, even though I would've enjoyed a nice dipping sauce to accompany them. I did find a down side though, flatulence. I will definitely have to get some Beano tomorrow, or at least before Chase comes back home. It's embarrassing and I assume highly unattractive. :-) It worked though! I lost another pound!

Well, I think that I will end this here tonight... my warm bed is calling me. I do not look forward to the snow "forecasted" for tomorrow, but then again it was said that it was going to snow today but never did. I would love to have a Colorado Meteorologists job... you give a round about guess and go with it! :-) Wish me luck on my blood work! Goodnight all! 

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