Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 10!!!

Hello everyone! Hope you have had as good of day as I have had! Today has definitely been a re-motivating day for me. I had my doctors appointment this morning and it went very well. The last time I had seen them was back in October, so a visit was due especially with me doing this fast. Well, good news! Since October I have lost 24 pounds!!!! YAY! Also, my blood pressure has regulated! I was at 190/98 last time in October, this visit I was 124/70!!! I was so happy to hear that my blood pressure came down out of the stroke range and that I didn't have to be put on blood pressure medication at 25. Dr. Clothier is probably one of the best doctors I could ever ask for. He hates prescribing medications to fix symptoms. He would much rather me try everything else and leave medication as a last resort. He was very encouraged and impressed with my results from the last time he saw me, and agreed that I should continue the fast. We made one simple change to it though. Since I was unable to get a decent intake of green vegetables through juicing, he recommended that I eat them raw. I agreed that that sounded like a valid option for me. He said that he would like to see me again in 6-8 weeks barring that nothing came up on my blood work (which I will be getting done Thursday morning). I was so encouraged and motivated leaving that office this morning!

After leaving the office, I decided to come back home because I was starving and extremely tired. I had maybe gotten 2 hours of decent sleep last night. I have no idea what was keeping me up, but I was irritated to say the least. So, I got home and made breakfast.

2 Peaches
2 Apples
4 Carrots
1/8 Cantaloupe
1 Pear
1/2 Cucumber
Handful of Strawberries

I was so impressed with this mixture and hungry that I drank 2 glassfuls! I then decided to try to take a little nap since I felt horrible, but full. I was lucky enough to get a very quick cat nap, and I felt so much better afterwards. I was still full, so I skipped lunch and decided to go run the errands that I had planned for today. First, I stopped by a brand new Plato's Closet location off of Academy on the north side of town, only to be told that they have to build up their inventory for a month or so before they can actually sell anything... bummer. I was happy at the notion that there was finally going to be a location A LOT closer to me! :-) Then I drove down to Sunflower Farmer's Market off of Dublin and Academy to pick up some of the key ingredients I was getting low on or was completely out of. I have to say, I LOVE THIS STORE!!!! It has everything that a regular grocery store sells but it is all organic or natural!!! On top of that, their prices are amazing!!! I walked out of their store with enough fruit and vegetables to last me a week and a half for under $50! The staff is courteous, knowledgeable, and eager to help. Last time Chase and I went there it was a really busy Saturday afternoon and I think we were a bit overwhelmed at all the people, so we just grabbed what we needed and left. This time however, I was able to browse and see everything they had to offer. I was so impressed that I have now made it my new store. :-) Yes, it is quite a drive to get groceries. My argument to that is, I get good gas mileage in my car and what I may be spending in gas I am saving in health costs. So, that ended my errands for the day and I headed home.

Once I got home, I unloaded my bounty and tried to do some research on more recipes. I found that most of them did not sound appeasing to me or were almost common sense. I laughed at most of the funky or fruity names they were given. :-) I realized that I am the best recipe for me! I know what my tastes are at the time of making the juice, and if I make a mistake I know how to correct it. So I have given up on using recipes for the time being... I am just going to feel my way through this and have fun.

I also realized something this afternoon. I am terrified that I am going to fail or if I trip and cheat, what are all of you going to think of me. I no longer feel like this is my journey, I feel like I am carrying all of you with me. That's no necessarily a negative thing, it does keep me motivated and keeps me from giving in to temptation. On the other hand, I am more concerned about disappointing than achieving. I would hate to disappoint anyone who believes in me and trusts that I can do it. I am not going to give myself a free pass, but I will make one statement. "If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down". ~Mary Pickford. I may make a mistake a few times, but I refuse to give up on this. I will stay the course. :-)

Anyways, I started to feel hungry again around 5 pm so I gave up on recipe hunting and stood in my kitchen. I picked enough vegetables to satisfy and enough fruits to cover the taste. I wanted to be adventurous with this one though. 

 4 1/2 Carrots
2 Apples
2 Pears
1/2 Squash
1/2 Sweet Potato
1/4 Cup of Coconut Water
To Eat: 4 Broccoli heads and a Celery stick

I felt good about this one, so I dove right in. The Coconut water was heavenly! It covered all of the nasty but none of the good! I am very pleased with myself and this juice tonight. I had 2 glasses again and am feeling very full and happy due to the green veggies I ate along with it. Maybe one day I will be able to juice them and like the taste, but for now I am not going to miss out on their benefits so I will force myself to eat them raw and with not additional flavors. :-)

Over all, day 10 was a great one! Only have to do this 5 more times! :-) Well, I am going to sit back and read a little bit, maybe even watch a show or two. Hopefully I will sleep tonight and finally get rid of this cold! Have a great night everyone! 

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