Well, day 14 was spent cleaning and spending time with my niece. I wasn't hungry in the morning or all through the afternoon, being a busy bee and all. :-) So it wasn't until around 5pm that I decided I was hungry and needed to eat something. I again let her make the juice while I made the salads.
2 Oranges
2 Apples
2 Peaches
2 Pears
1/8 Watermelon
1/4 Lemon
Handful of Strawberries
We decided to go back home to get Chase better and to keep from getting everyone else sick. We stopped at the store and picked up some soup and a bread roll for Chase, since there was nothing but veggies and fruit for him at home. Once we had gotten home, I set to making Chase's dinner (New England Clam Chowder in a bread bowl) and I was super proud of myself because I did not touch the food I made him, no matter how fluffy, warm or gooey the bread was. :-) While he was eating, I set to making us a Vitamin C packed juice to keep both of us from getting the worst of the cold, if any of it at all.
2 Oranges
1 Grapefruit
1 Kiwi
1/2 Squash
1/2 Sweet Potato
1/4 Lemon
4 Carrots
1/4 Cup of Coconut Water
I also made me a salad to accompany my juice. We watched a couple of shows and then I put him in a hot bath to relax him and help him sweat out his cold. He finished his juice before his bath and when he had finished, I gave him the rest of mine since I was full due to the salad and the veggies in the juice. He finished the juice off and then we went to bed.
We woke up the next morning feeling much better and I was proud of my juice for doing its' job. :-) Since we were under such a time constraint to get to the dentist for Chase, I grabbed a banana and ran out the door. The dentist went well, all of is reconstructive procedures are done and the dentist was happy with everything. We decided next to go get pedicures and invited his sister to join. We all sat and enjoyed our "grown up" relaxing time. Afterwards, Chase and his sister were starving so we decided to go next door to the Mexican restaurant. I was extremely proud of myself because no matter how starving I was, I only had a water and chatted with them while they ate. Chase's sister felt guilty for eating in front of me, but I told her not to feel that way because it was my life choice and she shouldn't feel guilty for doing what is normal. They finished and I asked Chase to drop by the house so I could make a juice before we headed over to his sister's house. I decided to make a some what heavy vegetable juice since I was so hungry and knew I would be at their house for a while.
1/2 Squash
1/2 Sweet Potato
2 Small Bunches of Green Seedless Grapes
1/8 Watermelon
1/8 Honeydew Melon
4 1/2 Carrots
I slammed it into a to-go cup and we headed over to his sister's house. My night kind of went down from there... I hang out and chatted with everyone while reading my book "White Oleander". They started making dinner and then sat down to eat and watch "Cake Boss". I decided that it would be best for myself to sit out on the front porch and read while they ate and watched that show. I knew my limitations and I did not want to make anyone else feel guilty by eating in front of me or look like a starved puppy watching everyone around me eating while watching a delicious food show. After dinner, Chase and I ran to Wag N' Wash to pick up some dog food. He asked me where I was during dinner and I told him. His reply was that I need to get used to being around food and people eating it, I said nothing in reply. Later on in the drive, I mentioned something about not wanting to sit in front of people eating while I was not eating and making them feel guilty. He replied with it was my job to make them feel at ease, again I said nothing. Once back at his sisters' house, I felt immediately overwhelmed and alone. I went upstairs and called Chase's father for support and guidance. He explained a lot to me, gave me options on how to handle the situation as well as getting used to being around food and people eating it without going through crazy cravings and weak moments. His advice was that I turn on some food channel or show while I was doing menial house chores and soon the allure of food would lose it's shine to me. It made complete sense! I also realized that I was close to starting my period and my emotions were extremely high this particular night. I dried my eyes and joined the family again and watched Cake Boss without one longing feeling. We stayed there until almost 11pm and then went home. Once home, I decided that I needed to have one big cry and get it all out so I could move on and have a good day with my babe. I took a nice hot bath and cried my eyes out until I was no longer feeling the need. Then I went to bed and slept very hard. :-)
I woke up today in a fabulous mood and the wonderful weather just promoted it. After putting the puppies out and taking my morning pee, I went in to weigh myself like I do every morning now. I nearly fell backwards off of the scale when I saw the verdict!!!! 187.6lbs!!!!!!!!! OMG! Have I really dropped down that much below 190lbs already?!?!? That added up to 14.6lbs lost in 17 days! I was so overly excited about the weight loss and the weather that I immediately raced downstairs to pull out the clothes I had packed away for summer time. I knew that I had packed up and pair of pants that I bought almost a year ago that were 2 sizes smaller than I was able to wear. I had decided to keep them as a vow of skinny jeans that I would wear again. I was right!!!! They fit perfectly now!!! I was beside myself with the joy of knowing that I had fulfilled that goal I set for myself. I felt sexy, flirty, skinny, fit, and proud all in one moment! I paraded myself around the house telling Chase "Look babe, I'm a skinny minny! I don't have a "saggy" butt anymore! I look hot babe!!!!". :-) We decided to take Buddha to a local dog park and enjoy the beautiful day.
At the dog park, Buddha made friends (and so did his Momma and Dad). :-) We played with throwing the ball, and surprisingly at 15 weeks old he is already bringing the ball back to us! While playing fetch and getting to know new puppies and people, Chase got a call from work. After about 15 minutes, he came back from his truck and told me that we needed to leave now, he had to drive back to Grand Junction. We raced home and while packing him an over-night bag I asked him if Buddha and I could come. Instead of letting this trip take nearly 2 days away from our time together, why not make it a family trip and spend the time together. He agreed which explains why I am now sitting in a hotel with Buddha (who is such a good car and hotel puppy) waiting for him to come back. I really enjoyed the drive and the change from the norm. Hopefully, we will be able to go back home tomorrow and enjoy another wonderful weather day!
So, I guess I will end this one here with the hopes of becoming wiser and have less cravings. Supposedly, anyone can break a habit in 21 days, I am getting closer and closer. I even lost count of what day I was on! That is a major achievement for me! I look forward to the next 43 days with anticipation and a smile! Once the picture up-loader stops messing up, I will post pictures of me in my skinny jeans which have now become my everyday jeans! :-) (I will just edit this post and let everyone know that I added them) Have a great night and a wonderful day! Goodnight readers!