Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 4!

Good Evening Everyone! Today was the last of my "hardest" days (1-4) and I passed through it like it was no problem. I did find a website that I think anyone thinking about doing this or suggesting this to someone. The website is:

This website is full of information that I found extremely helpful! Now it does not recommend the 60 day juice fast to everyone, only the seriously in need. For most people it offers 4 programs: The Long Weekend, Express, Quick Start, Classic, and Plus Dinner. Each one is adaptable to your needs and schedule, and how severe you would like the reboot to be. I chose the 60 day because I was in the severely obese BMI category, my blood pressure was way to high for someone my age, and I believed that my body needed a severe cleansing and reset. I am doing this under doctor supervision and allowance. When my blood test results come in I will be sure to share it with you. I just want to make sure that since I am informing and urging this "diet" that I keep you properly informed with all the information that I can get my hands on. I hope you find the website as agreeable if not exciting as I did. There is a great community of thousands of other individuals that are partaking in this as well and I intend on making friends and building a support system. :-)

So, for breakfast I had the left over from dinner last night. it was filling and pleasing for a morning drink. When it came time for lunch I hadn't finished my breakfast it was so filling and I was busy doing tasks and chores. So I decided to add one orange, 4 wedges of watermelon, and an apple to the mixture to leave me with a whole to-go glass for lunch and running around picking up my niece and nephews. It completely lasted me until dinner time. :-) Dinner had a couple new ingredients for me. 

2 Apples
2 Oranges
4 Carrots
1/2 Tomato
1/2 Cucumber
1/4 Lemon
1 Ginger Root

I really enjoyed this one and felt more full than I had. I was pleasantly surprised by the kick that the ginger root added to the flavor and then the lemon gave it that zesty finish! I may have to add this one to my "try again" list for another day. :-)

Well I will end this here due to my lack of energy and headache this wonderful cold is providing. Thank you for all staying tuned! I look forward to writing again tomorrow! Goodnight All!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day Three!

Good evening everyone! I am writing later tonight than I have before. I was spending time and watching my nephews this afternoon which lead to getting home late. :-) Today was a better day than the past 2... I woke up with no food cravings and felt rested. :-) I then weighed myself and was excited to see that I had lost another 1.8 pounds!!!! Yay! I started immediately thinking about pulling out my skinny jeans to try them on, but postponed it as to not get discouraged if they didn't quite fit yet.

I started my morning off with another original mixture:

6 Carrots 
5 Apples
1/2 Mango
2 Peaches
1/4 Cantaloupe
1/2 Lemon

I was pleased with this to start off my day. I made sure to add extra carrots since my father-in-law advised me that veggies fill you up and give you that "full" feeling more than fruits do. I have also noticed that I love my apples! They seem to be in every one of my juices! I guess like the saying... an apple a day keeps the doctor away! :-) I also made this my lunch since I made enough for 2 glasses.

I spent my morning caring for my puppies and cleaning the house till I noticed that I had comments on my blog!! My very first comments! :-) So I sat down and read the two comments my dear friends had left me. They had great questions and I was more than happy and eager to address them! They inspired me to put a little bit of personality into my blog instead of just making it an account of my daily intake. So here are some facts to answer some questions and concerns that y'all may have. (He He my Texas is showing ;-) )

How I found out about this and became inspired to do this is through 2 movies: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and Forks Over Knives. Both movies can be found on Netflix and are very informative and thought provoking. Please watch them for not only your benefit, but for you to better understand what I am doing and why.

This is completely healthy! I AM NOT STARVING MYSELF!!! I feel full all day, but mainly have to overcome routine eating and cravings (just like when you stop smoking). I have seen my doctor before I started this and had a full blood panel done and I have some unhealthy elevations for someone my age. He has heard of this and fully supports me and can't wait to see my results. My doctor is also a doctor that likes to trying anything before resorting to medication. For that record, I am currently taking 25mg Adderol to help with my lack of focus and energy. My goal is to be as healthy as a horse, happy, energetic, and off any and all my medications. Which, is all possible by doing this fast. I do not mess with my body or diet without seriously researching it beforehand. 

Now on to my late dinner... I was starving by the time I got home. I had inadequately prepared for the long stay at my sister-in-law's and ran out of juice just as they were sitting down to fabulous smelling and looking pasta and sausage with tomato sauce and mozzarella... my mouth instantly watered. I had watched him prepare it and saw that he used one of my favorite types of sausages... the ones with bits a cheddar throughout it. I was immediately tempted and longed for the salty gooiness to ooze through my mouth. That's when I figured out my weakness when it came to food. I was going to have a hard time battling the cravings with anything that was centered on food. When Chase and I go over to his sister's house it was always around and meal and from living with them for quite some time I had grown accustomed to relating their house and them to food. So now the second I walk through the door of their home my mouth starts watering and my mind starts flashing all the amazing (and amazingly unhealthy) foods that I have enjoyed sitting at the table or smelled in that kitchen. Going to a bar is easy for me because it has never become routine to me. Thinking about it I realized that as a society we have all centered the events of our lives around food. When there is a birthday party, holiday celebration, funeral, reunion, and so on it is all centered around FOOD! So with the conclusion of I will have to skip all the food obsessed events within the next 60-90 days, I filled my juice bottle with water and watched my adopted family eat happily. I will always make sure to have juice from now on. :-)

1/4 Watermelon
2 Oranges
3 Apples
1/2 Cucumber
4 Carrots
1/4 Lemon

Dinner was filling and relieved all of my cravings from my evening with my nephews. I made enough to where I had breakfast ready and waiting for me in the fridge. I made sure to add oranges into this juice because I was feeling like I was coming down with a cold (thanks to my loving nephews). 

I thought I would put my beginning stats in this post so everyone would know where I was starting from (which is very hard for me as a women to publicly admit).

Left and Right Biceps: 13.5"
Neck: 13.5"
Chest: 43"
Waist: 34.5"
Hips: 46.8"
Left Thigh: 27"
Right Thigh: 26.5"
Left and Right Calf: 17.5"

28% Body Fat
BMI: 34.0
Weight: 202.2 lbs

It is kind of unsettling to think that my arms are as wide around as my neck and my bust had increased exponentially from 5 years ago (no wonder my normal size bras were always digging in and hurting me). I had the "Baby Got Back" song running through my head as I read 43, 34.5, 46.8... I definitely had some back going on! :-) I know that it is depressing and mostly embarrassing to be putting this out for all of my family and friends, and some strangers, to read, but I have faith that it will become a triumph story I will look at those numbers with pride when this is all said and done. 

So I end my day feeling wiser and more accomplished... and definitely tired. :-) Please feel free to leave me some comments or questions! I am always happy and excited to answer/reply to them! Thanks for staying tuned and supportive. Even the littlest notes of encouragement make all the difference to me sometimes. Goodnight all!  

Day 2!

Hello All! Today was my second day of my Juice Reboot and I have to say it was a pretty hard one. I was craving solids all day long and would've killed someone for the caffeine in the bottom of their cup. :-) I made it through though. I bought some sugar-free gum to help lessen the need to chomp something and kept picturing myself in a little bitty bikini on an exotic beach somewhere to keep me motivated. :-)

My father-in-law is doing this as well but he is 2 1/2 weeks ahead of me, so he is giving me a little advice here and there to help me through (which I am eternally grateful for). He warned me that the first day you will have to pee more than a 9 months along pregnant women (which happened). Also, that the first 4-5 days are the hardest since you are breaking your mind and body of the need of solid food. Days 2-3 there is a possibility of cramps and then a sudden urge for your body to vacate whatever is in your body (restroom wise- tried to make it sound prettier than it is). Days 1-5 you may feel weak, tired, irritable and achy, but after the first couple of days everything improves and you feel much better.He also told me that when Miss America did this, she lost 90 pounds and kept motivated by keeping a picture of her overweight and out of shape self on her phone and would look at it any time she was tempted. I may not go to that extreme because I would have to pull out that photo in public places, but I have thought about buying an outfit or swimsuit in my goal weight size and hanging that in my room so I can see it and get motivated every day. On a side note, Chase asked me if I wanted to quit smoking at the same time that I did this Reboot... my reply to him was No. You wouldn't want to come home for over a month. :-)

A little advice for people, friends, or family that are willing to try this: Apples will sweeten anything, when using Beets LESS IS MORE, any green veggie may make it taste a little like grass, and to overcome and mellow out any bad taste add 1/2-1/4 lemon. Hope these little tid-bits help! I am sure I will have more to come as I trial and error my way through this. :-)

Now on to my meals... Breakfast was an extra from the juice I made last night since I had to make a new one because the beet one was absolutely horrible. This one included:

3 Pineapple Spears
2 Oranges
1/4 Cantaloupe
Handful of Strawberries
Handful of Green Seedless Grapes

I really liked this one. I have to add that those amounts made 2 large glassfuls. It was an excellent replacement for the nasty juice last night as well as a great pick me up for the next morning and carried me through lunch. I was pleased with this mixture. (Sorry no picture, it was late when I made it and I had it in a portable cup during the day)

Since my juice for breakfast lasted until about 4:30 p, I skipped lunch and waited till dinner. I should also add that I made it through Wal-mart again today without breaking my diet (even though the fried chicken from the deli smelled AMAZING!!!!). :-) So, for dinner I decided to break with the recipes and make a juice out of whatever called to me in the fridge. 

 * Made for 2 glasses
9 Carrots
1 Cucumber
6 Apples
1/4 Honeydew Melon
1/2 Lemon
2 Kiwi
Handful of Raspberries

This one was pretty good. I could taste the "grass" taste from the cucumber but the apples and lemon masked it well. I even took a to-go bottle with me to the local bar to meet up with some friends. I was tempted when someone offered me their hot wings, but I just closed my eyes, smelt the wing smell and drank my juice. :-) Worked very well for myself along with the gum. I am very proud of myself for tempting myself on the 2nd day and not giving in. I had fun with my friends and they all gave me notes of encouragement. :-)

Now I am heading off to bed. Thanks for keeping up with me and my progress! OH! I almost forgot!!! I LOST 2.6 POUNDS IN ONE DAY!!!!! I'm really excited to see the rest of my progress now. :-) Goodnight all!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day One!

Day One- February 26, 2012

I chose this day because Chase would be leaving for his 2 weeks on shift. So, I thought that it would be best to quit any food product while he wasn't here. It would save me having to cook, smell or watch him eat things my body was craving, and it would save him from me going through caffeine and solid food withdraws.:-) 

I woke up early this morning so I could help Chase get packed and on the road by 8 am. I made him a morning pep juice to-go, then cleaned and picked-up until about 10 am. I then made myself a juice:

Handful of Carrots
Handful of Strawberries
1 Orange
1 Peach

It was an excellent start to the morning! I had a recipe that was specifically for pepping you up in the morning, so I just added a little of whatever I was in the mood for. I did figure out that some of the fruits I considered needed cutting or adjusting in order to use and I was not in the mood to function that completely. :-) So morning went well.

I had agreed to be at my sister-in-law's house at 1:30 p to watch all 7 of my nieces and nephews while she was being taken to the airport. So around 12:15 p I started preparing my lunch to take with me since I knew that they would be eating/drinking/snacking the entire time I was there and I did not want to be tempted. So I took another recipe and altered it to my mood:

1 Pear
2 Peaches
1 Kiwi
Handful of Green Seedless Grapes

I was VERY pleased with this concoction! All of the kids liked it too! So I made it through the afternoon with this glass of excellent juice and resisted the temptation that they playfully flaunted at me. :-) This glass lasted me til around 5:30 p.

After running to the Library, I knew that I needed some house supplies from Wal-Mart... I had no idea the self-inflicted torture I was going to put myself through... I grabbed what I needed all the while eyeing the solid foods I loved so much only a day ago. I made it completely through Wal-Mart without picking up one unneeded item or tempting food. :-) 

When I got home I was really ready for dinner... I could feel my stomach complaining. So I put away the items from the store and fed the puppies. I then pulled out the recipe book and thumbed through looking for something filling to get me through the night. I came across one called Beach Body, and I thought that one would be filling and slimming at the same time. Needless to say, I was NOT pleased with the outcome!

What the Recipe Called for:
3 Carrots
2 Celery Sticks
1/2 Cucumber
1/2 cup of Parsley
1 Beet
1 Apple
What I added to Try to Better the Taste:
3 more Carrots
1 more Apple
1 1/2 Lemon
1 Lime
3 Stalks of Pineapple
2 Oranges

Well, I guess you win some and you lose some... this is definitely a loss for me. The initial taste is pleasing but the after taste is dirt/soil thanks to the beet. So now I am sitting here slowly, forcefully sipping this horrid concoction out of a tinted cup so I don't see how much I have drank and of what... From this point on I will be lucky if I add a quarter of a beet to anything. 

So I look forward to tomorrow with more knowledge, wisdom, and of course my juice... Stay tuned for more adventures in Juiceland! :-) Please leave me some comments! Goodnight all!