Good evening everyone! I am writing later tonight than I have before. I was spending time and watching my nephews this afternoon which lead to getting home late. :-) Today was a better day than the past 2... I woke up with no food cravings and felt rested. :-) I then weighed myself and was excited to see that I had lost another 1.8 pounds!!!! Yay! I started immediately thinking about pulling out my skinny jeans to try them on, but postponed it as to not get discouraged if they didn't quite fit yet.
I started my morning off with another original mixture:
6 Carrots
5 Apples
1/2 Mango
2 Peaches
1/4 Cantaloupe
1/2 Lemon
I was pleased with this to start off my day. I made sure to add extra carrots since my father-in-law advised me that veggies fill you up and give you that "full" feeling more than fruits do. I have also noticed that I love my apples! They seem to be in every one of my juices! I guess like the saying... an apple a day keeps the doctor away! :-) I also made this my lunch since I made enough for 2 glasses.
I spent my morning caring for my puppies and cleaning the house till I noticed that I had comments on my blog!! My very first comments! :-) So I sat down and read the two comments my dear friends had left me. They had great questions and I was more than happy and eager to address them! They inspired me to put a little bit of personality into my blog instead of just making it an account of my daily intake. So here are some facts to answer some questions and concerns that y'all may have. (He He my Texas is showing ;-) )
How I found out about this and became inspired to do this is through 2 movies: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and Forks Over Knives. Both movies can be found on Netflix and are very informative and thought provoking. Please watch them for not only your benefit, but for you to better understand what I am doing and why.
This is completely healthy! I AM NOT STARVING MYSELF!!! I feel full all day, but mainly have to overcome routine eating and cravings (just like when you stop smoking). I have seen my doctor before I started this and had a full blood panel done and I have some unhealthy elevations for someone my age. He has heard of this and fully supports me and can't wait to see my results. My doctor is also a doctor that likes to trying anything before resorting to medication. For that record, I am currently taking 25mg Adderol to help with my lack of focus and energy. My goal is to be as healthy as a horse, happy, energetic, and off any and all my medications. Which, is all possible by doing this fast. I do not mess with my body or diet without seriously researching it beforehand.
Now on to my late dinner... I was starving by the time I got home. I had inadequately prepared for the long stay at my sister-in-law's and ran out of juice just as they were sitting down to fabulous smelling and looking pasta and sausage with tomato sauce and mozzarella... my mouth instantly watered. I had watched him prepare it and saw that he used one of my favorite types of sausages... the ones with bits a cheddar throughout it. I was immediately tempted and longed for the salty gooiness to ooze through my mouth. That's when I figured out my weakness when it came to food. I was going to have a hard time battling the cravings with anything that was centered on food. When Chase and I go over to his sister's house it was always around and meal and from living with them for quite some time I had grown accustomed to relating their house and them to food. So now the second I walk through the door of their home my mouth starts watering and my mind starts flashing all the amazing (and amazingly unhealthy) foods that I have enjoyed sitting at the table or smelled in that kitchen. Going to a bar is easy for me because it has never become routine to me. Thinking about it I realized that as a society we have all centered the events of our lives around food. When there is a birthday party, holiday celebration, funeral, reunion, and so on it is all centered around FOOD! So with the conclusion of I will have to skip all the food obsessed events within the next 60-90 days, I filled my juice bottle with water and watched my adopted family eat happily. I will always make sure to have juice from now on. :-)
1/4 Watermelon
2 Oranges
3 Apples
1/2 Cucumber
4 Carrots
1/4 Lemon
Dinner was filling and relieved all of my cravings from my evening with my nephews. I made enough to where I had breakfast ready and waiting for me in the fridge. I made sure to add oranges into this juice because I was feeling like I was coming down with a cold (thanks to my loving nephews).
I thought I would put my beginning stats in this post so everyone would know where I was starting from (which is very hard for me as a women to publicly admit).
Left and Right Biceps: 13.5"
Neck: 13.5"
Chest: 43"
Waist: 34.5"
Hips: 46.8"
Left Thigh: 27"
Right Thigh: 26.5"
Left and Right Calf: 17.5"
28% Body Fat
BMI: 34.0
Weight: 202.2 lbs
It is kind of unsettling to think that my arms are as wide around as my neck and my bust had increased exponentially from 5 years ago (no wonder my normal size bras were always digging in and hurting me). I had the "Baby Got Back" song running through my head as I read 43, 34.5, 46.8... I definitely had some back going on! :-) I know that it is depressing and mostly embarrassing to be putting this out for all of my family and friends, and some strangers, to read, but I have faith that it will become a triumph story I will look at those numbers with pride when this is all said and done.
So I end my day feeling wiser and more accomplished... and definitely tired. :-) Please feel free to leave me some comments or questions! I am always happy and excited to answer/reply to them! Thanks for staying tuned and supportive. Even the littlest notes of encouragement make all the difference to me sometimes. Goodnight all!