Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 14, Fifteen, 16, and Seventeen!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone! Hope everything is going well with you! I am doing absolutely great! :-) I am currently sitting in Rifle, CO waiting for Chase to get back from the rig, so I thought what a better time than now to write! I know, I'm way behind... but I have been busy getting ready for Chase to come home and spending time with him. He was called last minute up to Rifle to handle some paperwork and such, so I thought instead of sitting at home waiting for him to come back I would drive up here with him and spend whatever time I could with him. :-) The drive was as beautiful as the weather! :-) I am so happy with a temperature of 70 today and 72 tomorrow, all sunny and warm!

Well, day 14 was spent cleaning and spending time with my niece. I wasn't hungry in the morning or all through the afternoon, being a busy bee and all. :-) So it wasn't until around 5pm that I decided I was hungry and needed to eat something. I again let her make the juice while I made the salads.

2 Oranges
2 Apples
2 Peaches
2 Pears
1/8 Watermelon
1/4 Lemon
Handful of Strawberries

Since my niece had looked at me quizzically and confused when I referred to a scene from one of the all time greatest musical movies, Grease, I broke the rules a little bit and made her sit through it. :-) She liked it, but looked completely bored the whole time... oh youth... Anyways, we got the house all in order and slept like babies the whole night. We woke up early Sunday (Day 15) morning (earlier than it would normally be due to the time change) and I shuttled her back to her house and then jetted back to mine to get ready for my hunny to come home. :-) I primped and pampered and then tidied the house up a little bit more, before I realized it it was 4 in the afternoon and I was ravenous! I ate a stick of celery to tide myself over before Chase got home. He arrived around 5pm and then we were called to watch the boys due to a family emergency 30 minutes after he got home. We hustled over there and sat with the boys for about an hour or so, just long enough for me to figure out that Chase had caught and cold and was nice enough to bring it home to share with me. :-)

We decided to go back home to get Chase better and to keep from getting everyone else sick. We stopped at the store and picked up some soup and a bread roll for Chase, since there was nothing but veggies and fruit for him at home. Once we had gotten home, I set to making Chase's dinner (New England Clam Chowder in a bread bowl) and I was super proud of myself because I did not touch the food I made him, no matter how fluffy, warm or gooey the bread was. :-) While he was eating, I set to making us a Vitamin C packed juice to keep both of us from getting the worst of the cold, if any of it at all.

2 Oranges
1 Grapefruit
1 Kiwi
1/2 Squash
1/2 Sweet Potato
1/4 Lemon
4 Carrots
1/4 Cup of Coconut Water

I also made me a salad to accompany my juice. We watched a couple of shows and then I put him in a hot bath to relax him and help him sweat out his cold. He finished his juice before his bath and when he had finished, I gave him the rest of mine since I was full due to the salad and the veggies in the juice. He finished the juice off and then we went to bed. 

We woke up the next morning feeling much better and I was proud of my juice for doing its' job. :-) Since we were under such a time constraint to get to the dentist for Chase, I grabbed a banana and ran out the door. The dentist went well, all of is reconstructive procedures are done and the dentist was happy with everything. We decided next to go get pedicures and invited his sister to join. We all sat and enjoyed our "grown up" relaxing time. Afterwards, Chase and his sister were starving so we decided to go next door to the Mexican restaurant. I was extremely proud of myself because no matter how starving I was, I only had a water and chatted with them while they ate. Chase's sister felt guilty for eating in front of me, but I told her not to feel that way because it was my life choice and she shouldn't feel guilty for doing what is normal. They finished and I asked Chase to drop by the house so I could make a juice before we headed over to his sister's house. I decided to make a some what heavy vegetable juice since I was so hungry and knew I would be at their house for a while. 

1/2 Squash
1/2 Sweet Potato
2 Small Bunches of Green Seedless Grapes
1/8 Watermelon
1/8 Honeydew Melon
4 1/2 Carrots

I slammed it into a to-go cup and we headed over to his sister's house. My night kind of went down from there... I hang out and chatted with everyone while reading my book "White Oleander". They started making dinner and then sat down to eat and watch "Cake Boss". I decided that it would be best for myself to sit out on the front porch and read while they ate and watched that show. I knew my limitations and I did not want to make anyone else feel guilty by eating in front of me or look like a starved puppy watching everyone around me eating while watching a delicious food show. After dinner, Chase and I ran to Wag N' Wash to pick up some dog food. He asked me where I was during dinner and I told him. His reply was that I need to get used to being around food and people eating it, I said nothing in reply. Later on in the drive, I mentioned something about not wanting to sit in front of people eating while I was not eating and making them feel guilty. He replied with it was my job to make them feel at ease, again I said nothing. Once back at his sisters' house, I felt immediately overwhelmed and alone. I went upstairs and called Chase's father for support and guidance. He explained a lot to me, gave me options on how to handle the situation as well as getting used to being around food and people eating it without going through crazy cravings and weak moments. His advice was that I turn on some food channel or show while I was doing menial house chores and soon the allure of food would lose it's shine to me. It made complete sense! I also realized that I was close to starting my period and my emotions were extremely high this particular night. I dried my eyes and joined the family again and watched Cake Boss without one longing feeling. We stayed there until almost 11pm and then went home. Once home, I decided that I needed to have one big cry and get it all out so I could move on and have a good day with my babe. I took a nice hot bath and cried my eyes out until I was no longer feeling the need. Then I went to bed and slept very hard. :-)

I woke up today in a fabulous mood and the wonderful weather just promoted it. After putting the puppies out and taking my morning pee, I went in to weigh myself like I do every morning now. I nearly fell backwards off of the scale when I saw the verdict!!!! 187.6lbs!!!!!!!!! OMG! Have I really dropped down that much below 190lbs already?!?!? That added up to 14.6lbs lost in 17 days! I was so overly excited about the weight loss and the weather that I immediately raced downstairs to pull out the clothes I had packed away for summer time. I knew that I had packed up and pair of pants that I bought almost a year ago that were 2 sizes smaller than I was able to wear. I had decided to keep them as a vow of skinny jeans that I would wear again. I was right!!!! They fit perfectly now!!! I was beside myself with the joy of knowing that I had fulfilled that goal I set for myself. I felt sexy, flirty, skinny, fit, and proud all in one moment! I paraded myself around the house telling Chase "Look babe, I'm a skinny minny! I don't have a "saggy" butt anymore! I look hot babe!!!!". :-) We decided to take Buddha to a local dog park and enjoy the beautiful day.

At the dog park, Buddha made friends (and so did his Momma and Dad). :-) We played with throwing the ball, and surprisingly at 15 weeks old he is already bringing the ball back to us! While playing fetch and getting to know new puppies and people, Chase got a call from work. After about 15 minutes, he came back from his truck and told me that we needed to leave now, he had to drive back to Grand Junction. We raced home and while packing him an over-night bag I asked him if Buddha and I could come. Instead of letting this trip take nearly 2 days away from our time together, why not make it a family trip and spend the time together. He agreed which explains why I am now sitting in a hotel with Buddha (who is such a good car and hotel puppy) waiting for him to come back. I really enjoyed the drive and the change from the norm. Hopefully, we will be able to go back home tomorrow and enjoy another wonderful weather day!

So, I guess I will end this one here with the hopes of becoming wiser and have less cravings. Supposedly, anyone can break a habit in 21 days, I am getting closer and closer. I even lost count of what day I was on! That is a major achievement for me! I look forward to the next 43 days with anticipation and a smile! Once the picture up-loader stops messing up, I will post pictures of me in my skinny jeans which have now become my everyday jeans! :-) (I will just edit this post and let everyone know that I added them) Have a great night and a wonderful day! Goodnight readers!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 12 & Thirteen!!!!

Hello All! Sorry about not writing last night, I was having a rough evening and needed some "me" time. I am back today, having a great day! :-) I will post pictures from what I had yesterday, just so everyone can know what I ate. I did go and get my blood drawn yesterday, and am waiting for the results to get back. So, for lunch/dinner I made this:

2 Apples
1/2 Sweet Potato
1/2 Squash
1/4 Tomato
1 Kiwi
3 Leaves of Spearmint
1/2 Mango
3/4 Orange
4 Carrots

I was really good, made enough for 2 glasses that lasted me the whole night. The Spearmint gave it a little minty cool blast as an after taste. :-) 

Moving on! So, today I woke up in a much better mood and feeling better than I had in days. I got up and took care of puppy morning business and then went to go weigh myself.... I lost 2 pounds!!! I am now sitting at 190.8 pounds and very very happy with it! That is 12lbs in 12 days! :-) Eating my greens as an evening meal are definitely helping and showing improvement in my weight loss! So, happy as a clam, I decided to make my juice simple this morning but hopefully enough Vitamin C kick to eliminate this sinus cold once and for all! :-)

4 Oranges
2 Kiwi
1 Apple

It was good and gave me a bump in energy as well. I drank the 2 glasses I made straight through lunch time. Cleaned and picked up around the house, played with the dogs, and then decided to invite my niece over for the night to help me out with moving some furniture, putting together some furniture, and a little bit of cleaning duties. (she was grounded due to grades, so I had to take all the fun stuff out :-( ) So I went over there and visited for a while and then drove back home to make dinner. 

I decided to let her choose what kind of a juice we had with our little salad. She is a vegetarian by choice and has been for almost over a year now, an accomplishment in itself for a 14 year old teenage girl! So, she was happy with dinner choice, I had bought her some vegetarian chicken nuggets to put on top of her salad, and she was super excited to be the creator of our juice for the night. 

2 Bananas (Added in with the Smoothie Part)
1 Mango
2 Peaches
1 Apple
1/4 Lemon
1/4 Watermelon

We blended it into a smoothie with the bananas and a splash of coconut water. It was amazing! It also was a great pair up with the home-made Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette topped salad that I made. I had used some strawberry juice that I juiced and the pulp from that, mixed it with balsamic vinegar and Viola! Home-made salad dressing! :-) I then made a salad of spinach, romaine, and iceberg lettuce with chopped tomato, cucumber, sliced strawberries marinated in balsamic vinegar, and topped hers with vegetarian chicken nuggets. It was amazing! Best dinner I have had so far!

Well I am off to spend time with my niece and get this house into the shape I want it to be! Hope everyone has a great night! See you tomorrow night!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day Eleven!!!

Good evening everyone! Sorry this is getting out so late. I was at my sister-in-law's house getting schooled on Excel and finances. :-) So now I am mentally and physically tired... today started off well enough. I finally got a full night's rest, but woke up feeling the symptoms of this sinus cold I have been fighting for over a week now. Took some medication, made my breakfast, and soon I felt better. Due to my lack of functioning, I was not adventurous with this meal.

4 Carrots
2 Oranges
1 Apple
1 Bunch of Green Seedless Grapes
5 Large Strawberries
1/4 Cup of Coconut Water

This was the boost I needed to get started for the day. I piddled around the house and added some books to my list on www.GoodReads.com until about 1:30p. Then I left to go pick up my niece from school and then sat at my sister-in-law's for an hour or so visiting and reading. Then I left to pick up my nephew and take him to his dad's house. I had made enough of breakfast to fill 2 glasses, so I was good on juice. After dropping him off, I returned to my sister-in-law's and started learning how to do our finances with her, while my brother-in-law made their dinner. It smelt amazing and was healthy. Grilled chicken over noodles with a cheese sauce and broccoli spread over top. I was proud of myself though, I did not allow myself to cheat. After 2+ hours doing this, I headed home to take care of the puppies and hurry some food into my system before 10:30 pm. I am on doctor's orders of a food and liquid food fast for 12 hours before I get my blood taken tomorrow morning at 10:30 am. So now I am allowed only water for the next 12 hours. :-(

Speaking of eating, last night was my first night of only eating raw green vegetables. It was filling enough, even though I would've enjoyed a nice dipping sauce to accompany them. I did find a down side though, flatulence. I will definitely have to get some Beano tomorrow, or at least before Chase comes back home. It's embarrassing and I assume highly unattractive. :-) It worked though! I lost another pound!

Well, I think that I will end this here tonight... my warm bed is calling me. I do not look forward to the snow "forecasted" for tomorrow, but then again it was said that it was going to snow today but never did. I would love to have a Colorado Meteorologists job... you give a round about guess and go with it! :-) Wish me luck on my blood work! Goodnight all! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 10!!!

Hello everyone! Hope you have had as good of day as I have had! Today has definitely been a re-motivating day for me. I had my doctors appointment this morning and it went very well. The last time I had seen them was back in October, so a visit was due especially with me doing this fast. Well, good news! Since October I have lost 24 pounds!!!! YAY! Also, my blood pressure has regulated! I was at 190/98 last time in October, this visit I was 124/70!!! I was so happy to hear that my blood pressure came down out of the stroke range and that I didn't have to be put on blood pressure medication at 25. Dr. Clothier is probably one of the best doctors I could ever ask for. He hates prescribing medications to fix symptoms. He would much rather me try everything else and leave medication as a last resort. He was very encouraged and impressed with my results from the last time he saw me, and agreed that I should continue the fast. We made one simple change to it though. Since I was unable to get a decent intake of green vegetables through juicing, he recommended that I eat them raw. I agreed that that sounded like a valid option for me. He said that he would like to see me again in 6-8 weeks barring that nothing came up on my blood work (which I will be getting done Thursday morning). I was so encouraged and motivated leaving that office this morning!

After leaving the office, I decided to come back home because I was starving and extremely tired. I had maybe gotten 2 hours of decent sleep last night. I have no idea what was keeping me up, but I was irritated to say the least. So, I got home and made breakfast.

2 Peaches
2 Apples
4 Carrots
1/8 Cantaloupe
1 Pear
1/2 Cucumber
Handful of Strawberries

I was so impressed with this mixture and hungry that I drank 2 glassfuls! I then decided to try to take a little nap since I felt horrible, but full. I was lucky enough to get a very quick cat nap, and I felt so much better afterwards. I was still full, so I skipped lunch and decided to go run the errands that I had planned for today. First, I stopped by a brand new Plato's Closet location off of Academy on the north side of town, only to be told that they have to build up their inventory for a month or so before they can actually sell anything... bummer. I was happy at the notion that there was finally going to be a location A LOT closer to me! :-) Then I drove down to Sunflower Farmer's Market off of Dublin and Academy to pick up some of the key ingredients I was getting low on or was completely out of. I have to say, I LOVE THIS STORE!!!! It has everything that a regular grocery store sells but it is all organic or natural!!! On top of that, their prices are amazing!!! I walked out of their store with enough fruit and vegetables to last me a week and a half for under $50! The staff is courteous, knowledgeable, and eager to help. Last time Chase and I went there it was a really busy Saturday afternoon and I think we were a bit overwhelmed at all the people, so we just grabbed what we needed and left. This time however, I was able to browse and see everything they had to offer. I was so impressed that I have now made it my new store. :-) Yes, it is quite a drive to get groceries. My argument to that is, I get good gas mileage in my car and what I may be spending in gas I am saving in health costs. So, that ended my errands for the day and I headed home.

Once I got home, I unloaded my bounty and tried to do some research on more recipes. I found that most of them did not sound appeasing to me or were almost common sense. I laughed at most of the funky or fruity names they were given. :-) I realized that I am the best recipe for me! I know what my tastes are at the time of making the juice, and if I make a mistake I know how to correct it. So I have given up on using recipes for the time being... I am just going to feel my way through this and have fun.

I also realized something this afternoon. I am terrified that I am going to fail or if I trip and cheat, what are all of you going to think of me. I no longer feel like this is my journey, I feel like I am carrying all of you with me. That's no necessarily a negative thing, it does keep me motivated and keeps me from giving in to temptation. On the other hand, I am more concerned about disappointing than achieving. I would hate to disappoint anyone who believes in me and trusts that I can do it. I am not going to give myself a free pass, but I will make one statement. "If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down". ~Mary Pickford. I may make a mistake a few times, but I refuse to give up on this. I will stay the course. :-)

Anyways, I started to feel hungry again around 5 pm so I gave up on recipe hunting and stood in my kitchen. I picked enough vegetables to satisfy and enough fruits to cover the taste. I wanted to be adventurous with this one though. 

 4 1/2 Carrots
2 Apples
2 Pears
1/2 Squash
1/2 Sweet Potato
1/4 Cup of Coconut Water
To Eat: 4 Broccoli heads and a Celery stick

I felt good about this one, so I dove right in. The Coconut water was heavenly! It covered all of the nasty but none of the good! I am very pleased with myself and this juice tonight. I had 2 glasses again and am feeling very full and happy due to the green veggies I ate along with it. Maybe one day I will be able to juice them and like the taste, but for now I am not going to miss out on their benefits so I will force myself to eat them raw and with not additional flavors. :-)

Over all, day 10 was a great one! Only have to do this 5 more times! :-) Well, I am going to sit back and read a little bit, maybe even watch a show or two. Hopefully I will sleep tonight and finally get rid of this cold! Have a great night everyone! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day Nine

Hello everyone! I am writing you today from the comforts of my couch and PJs... I woke up many times throughout the night to the horrid smell of a recent mess Buddha had made in his cage (without alerting me he needed to go, which he is VERY capable of rousing me from my slumber). I would wake, smell, try not to vomit, place him outside, clean the cage, bring him back inside, bathe him, re-comfy the cage and place him back in it... only to be woken up in another 3 hours to do it all over again. By late this morning I felt as used as our washer and dryer... :-) Not to mention I woke up with an extremely sore throat and deep chested cough, which I have been battling all day. When I decided I was finally hungry and willing to make something, it was closer to lunch time. So I made my first brunch!

2 Leaves of Romaine Lettuce
8 Stalks of Spinach
1 Orange
1 Apple
1/4 Lemon
4 Carrots
1 Pineapple Spear
1/8 Cantaloupe
1/4 Watermelon
1 Small Ginger Root
Handful of Strawberries
Blended well in ice and cinnamon

I decided to add more veggies than I usually do to my morning drinks since this was later in the day and I was feeling so lousy. The drink was okay... I simply cannot handle that "grass" taste you get from lettuce or celery. Yes, add an apple or orange... then you just get sweet grass flavor. Add 1/4-1/2 lemon... then you get grass with a brisk twang at the end. No matter the advice or ingredients I try to add, I still can't surpass the "grass" taste! I love lettuce by itself as well as celery, but juicing them is just not appeasing to my taste buds. I really am trying to push myself and drink the whole of these juices that I make because I know that I am trying to retrain my taste buds to crave that flavor... but then I start thinking. My taste buds like and crave the flavor of lettuce and celery raw... they hate it juiced. Maybe I should just eat lettuce and celery raw to get my intake, and juice all the rest. Then I argue with myself about the point of me doing the fast then.... today has not been a good day in juice fasting in my world. Constantly questioning is it better to eat them, better to straight juice, or even better to have my 3 juice per day and ALSO eat raw veggies when I am still feeling a little hungry after juicing. Along with, what can be juiced, what can't be, and why aren't those included in my diet just because they can't be juiced? I love bananas, but they can not be fed into a juicer. Yes, you can blend them into a juice that you made, maybe along with some ice, but aren't you technically eating it? I've also heard recipes of people blending the banana until it is nice and smooth and then freezing it long enough for it to solidify and then eating it like it is ice cream! All the benefits of tricking your mind and cravings without the bad side effects of actual ice cream... but you eat it!!! I guess I am just bummed because I can't handle the juice of the "green" veggies, but they are the ones that melt the fat away! I have been able to handle or love every other juice I have concocted, but I simply cannot drink the green vegetables! I either have to be patient and keep trying or figure out some other way to get that intake.

I must be rambling on in my crazy cabin fever sickness. :-) Anyways, since I wasn't up to snuff today I decided to take an off day and lounge around the house. Housework was kept up, juice made, chores done, dogs taken care of... I was going to take a me day. :-) I also reasoned that it may help with the healing process before my doctors appointment tomorrow. I would really like to go and not get sent home with antibiotics or other medications I have to take with food. :-( I guess we will see...

I decided to watch a couple episodes of Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files on Netflix. I got to episode 8 in season 1 and realized that they chose to research the Haunted Rail Road Tracks in San Antonio, TX! My grandmother had taken me and my mother there when I was really young. I only remember a few details here and there. The story goes that there was a bus full of children that had stalled on the railroad tracks and did not have enough time to evacuate before being hit by and train and everyone perished. Now you can pull up to the tracks, put your car in neutral and turn it off, and the children and buss driver will push your vehicle safely over the train tracks. Also, if you put powder on the back of your vehicle, if you looked after being pushed you will see little hand prints in the powder. Well, I remember putting the Mary Kay foundation all over the back of Grandma Chris's dark blue Suburban and I remember the ride across the tracks and all the little hand prints all over the back of the Suburban doors. I even remember my mom and grandmother using a basketball and various other round objects to prove that you were actually rolling down hill instead of being supernaturally pushed up hill and they had no proof at the end of it. So naturally I was glue to this episode! :-) I watched how they tried to disprove everything, but you will have to watch it to know what the outcome was. ;-) On a side note, I decided to get Buddha back and gave him his first dose of peanut butter... in a Kong! I laughed silently for a good 30 minutes watching my 2 dogs lick, lap, and fight over this impossibly sticky treat!!! Simple things.... :-)

Anyways, my brunch juice lasted me all through the afternoon and evening... it's still sitting here staring at me. I'm not hungry and find it hard to drink anything with this sore throat. :-) I still have another glass frozen in the freezer in case I decide that I am hungry or I need one ready to go for my doctor's appointment in the morning. For now, I am going to say goodnight to all of you, jump in a nice hot bath, and then to bed for (hopefully) some much needed rest and recuperation. Until tomorrow night, goodnight all! 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 8!

Hello everyone! Hope this finds you happy and safe tonight. I am both as well. :-) Today was full of surprises! I woke up in an excellent mood ready to make my breakfast... well my juicer had other plans. As I went to reassemble it from the dishwasher, the blade would not twist back on to the screw so I examined it. I found that the screw part was fully plastic and had snapped in to 2 pieces. I was so glad that we had chosen to buy the protection plan that came with it! So I quickly changed, packed up the juicer, and headed to Wal-mart to exchange it. I realized on the way there I was going to seriously tempt myself... walking into Wal-mart on an empty stomach and starving! Luckily, the service counter was quick and courteous! I was in and out in less than 15 minutes! I was back home in no time ready to make breakfast (which had now become lunch).

5 Carrots
1/4 Guava
1/2 Lemon
1/8 Watermelon
2 Apples
1 Orange
Handful of Spinach

I decided to give an idea a try that I had heard about on www.jointhereboot.com. I blended the juice mixture with ice to make it in to a smoothie of sorts and also added ~1tsp of organic cinnamon. It tasted fabulous!!! The cinnamon completely overtook any "grass" taste I might have gotten from the spinach! After the first few sips, I realized that it wasn't really food itself that I missed and craved, it was the flavor of the spices that I wanted. I also realized that my drink reminded me of Quaker Oats Brown Sugar Instant Oatmeal!!! I was extremely pleased and relieved. I had made enough for this glass and then a to-go bottle as well. So I placed the to-go bottle in the fridge for my walk with Buddha later this afternoon. 

I piddled around the house cleaning, dancing, playing with my puppies... I even spent some time looking at bathing suits. :-) I think I have decided that I will let my readers choose from the bikinis I post at the end of my 60 days. Please be gentle! ;-) Anyways, I finally decided that it was time to walk around 2:50 pm. Buddha and I walked down to the park, then around Palmer Lake and back home. The whole trip took over an hour and it was such a beautiful day that I really didn't mind or notice that I was sweating like crazy. It was nice to get Buddha used to socializing and what I expected of him when he was. The walk was a little bit easier... I just need to reign in some of that excited puppy energy (almost wish I could juice that LOL). He was doing very well by the time we got back on our street. When we got home I noticed that it felt sweltering inside the upstairs of my house. I thought it may have been because I just finished exercising and that I needed to cool down and it would feel fine. After 30 minutes passed I was still having sweat accumulate on my brow so I walked over to the thermostat.... it read 76!!! The sun coming in from the side and front windows upstairs had generated so much heat that it raised the temperature 8 degrees from what I had it set on! So opened some windows and let the wonderful breeze flow through my house as I caught up on some reading. 

I had barely drank on my walk, so I still had nearly a whole bottle left. I still had 1/2 of it left around 5 pm so I thought I would just re-smoothie it and have that for dinner since I so enjoyed it. Well... second surprise.... My blender decided to explode while running... :-) I had juice ALL OVER my kitchen.!!!! The bottom of the pitcher part came undone in the middle of blending which sent the bottomless pitcher flying across the counter! I quickly grabbed the pitcher upside down to hold the remaining contents inside and proceeded to pour that into a glass. I had just enough left for a decent sized dinner. I then proceeded to clean up the kitchen, which at this point smelt of carrots and cinnamon. Didn't take long for me to have it all set to rights again. I am just hoping and praying that all over my other electrical kitchen devices continue to work! :-)

So I have aptly named today Surprise Sunday and have decided to spend the rest of my night writing to you and then watching one if not two movies. :-) Too bad popcorn isn't a fruit or veggie.... I wonder if I can juice corn into tasting like it.... thoughts for another time. :-) Thanks for stopping in and reading!!! I'm going to keep an eye on this cough that seems to be coming from deeper in my chest. Stay healthy and happy!!! Goodnight all!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day Seven!!!

Good Evening! I am glad to be writing you on my one week anniversary!!! I am so happy to be celebrating this and know that I am a strong enough person to go without solid foods for a week! :-) I woke up in a wonderful mood this morning (after cleaning up after puppy and spraying some air freshener) and was glad to see that the weather mimicked my mood. I lounged around a little bit, watch a show or two, then decided that I felt hungry. I was positive that my mood would only accept something as sweet and sunny as it was. So I set to making my breakfast.

1/8 Watermelon
1/4 Cantaloupe
1 Peach
1 Pear
2 Pineapple Spears
Handful of Strawberries
2 Small Bunches of Grapes

This concoction was absolutely heavenly and I lovingly named it my "Pink Lady" juice. :-) Soon after I finished the juice and took care of some things around the house that needed attention, I felt like walking. This time I intended on taking Buddha for his first ever walk out in the world.... Needless to say, the whole 1.2 mile walk to the post office and then back home turned out to be more of a workout for me than I bargained for. :-) Since he is only 14 weeks old, he was so excited to be out in the big world with his Momma! He was like a ferret that kept seeing something shiny on the other side of the street, so the entire time my right arm is pulling or pushing him back on to the shoulder and in the grass since there are no sidewalks. Not to mention, he loved to run ahead of me and then stop dead to smell or look at something... right in front of me. So between the tripping over him and constant struggle to keep him from getting run over, I think I gave myself a pretty decent workout! We were definitely pooped when we got home. He's a puppy and he will learn. :-)

After the walk, I found myself starving and decided to make lunch. Since I had eaten only fruits for breakfast, I wanted to make sure that I had more than enough vegetables for lunch. So, I decided to be a little adventurous and push my boundaries and taste buds.

 4 Carrots
1/8 Honeydew Melon
3 Celery Stalks
3 Leaves of Roman Lettuce
2 Apples
1 Small Ginger Root
1/4 Lemon

I definitely have to work on my taste buds more! I could stand the first half of this REALLY tall glass... but I had trouble getting through the second half. Keith was definitely right! Celery and lettuce taste like grass when juiced!!!! Not much masked it either. Not my favorite, but certainly not the worst... I'm still scared to even look at the beets! :-)

The rest of my afternoon went smoothly as a "lazy" Saturday afternoon should. I cleaned, arranged, called and talked to grandparents just to catch up, watch a couple shows, read a little bit, took care of the puppies... and before I knew it, it was past 6 pm! I still hadn't finished lunch by this time and was feeling rather full, so again I skipped dinner. 

Well, I am going to cozy up with an episode of Destination Truth and settle in for the night (no party nights for this girl for a while!). Thanks for following! Talk at you tomorrow!